Morehead High School - Class of 1959

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(now playing "Bye, Bye Love")

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Class of 1959 (as Seniors) Class Officers... Agee-Bailey... Baker-Barrow... Barton-Benson... Benson-Blackwell... Bolt-Brincefield... Bryant-Campbell... Carter-Coward... Craddock-Crider... Crowder-DeHart... Denny-Dishmon... Dodson-Dyer... Dyer-Evans... Evans-Ferguson... Flinchum-Gilley... Gilley-Hairfield... Hall-Harrington... Harris-Hess... Hoback-Howerton... Howlett-Janney... Jarrett-Johnson... Johnston-Joyce... Joyce-King... Kingston-Land... Lane-Lemons... Lester-Mabes... Maness-Mode... Montgomery-Murphy... Murphy-McCollouch... McDaniel-Newman... Newman-Pace... Patterson-Powell... Powell-Price... Pryon-Ratliff... Rickman-Roach... Robinson-Rogers... Rorrer-Shockley... Shough-Slayton... Smith-Smith... Smith-Stearnes... Stegall-Stephenson... Stewart-Sumner... Swindell-Teague... Thompson-Wade... Wade-Warner... Warren-Whitt... Wood-Wray... Wright-Young...


Class of 1959 Deceased... 


Most...Best... Best All Around... Friendliest... Most Athletic... Most Dependable... Most Intellectual... Most Likely to Succeed... Most Popular... Most Talented... Wittiest... Best Dressed... Best Looking... Most School-Spirited...  


Faculty... Mr. Newlin... Mr. Byrd... Mr. Rahn... Mrs. Banks... Dr. Hough... the School Board... Biggerstaff-Fleming... Dininny-Fulcher... Griggs-Lea... Honeycutt-Morgan... Nassar-Wilkes... Armfield-Worthington... 


Junior-Senior Prom... the Big Dance!... dinner in the band room... faculty members after the banquet... the receiving line in the gym lobby... Mr. Newlin welcomes everyone... Miss Judy Bryant performing... The Southerners provided the music... the Grand March... Jimmy Goldston and Charles Ferguson led the Grand March... 




Football... Campbell takes off... Craddock flies toward the red flag... Yarbrough eludes a tackler... Ogburn scores a TD... Campbell rams over the goal... the Morehead forward wall was inpenetrable... Crowder gets good blocking... The High Command... the Black Panthers' perfect season... North Carolina State AA Champions... the playoffs... Morehead's teams... Frank Campbell takes a Rockingham punt... Glenn Ogburn eludes a tackler... Frank Campbell tries to get away... co-captains Crowder and Campbell accept the trophy... Coach Honeycutt with co-captains... after the battle... Coach Honeycutt and the boys celebrate... team photograph... seniors Yarbrough-Mode... seniors Carter-Ferguson... 


Homecoming... the Homecoming Dance... nominees for the Homecoming Queen... senior float in the Homecoming Parade... sophomore float in the Homecoming Parade... cheerleaders at the Homecoming Game... Morehead defeats Paige 19-0... alumni enjoy refreshments... old grads get together... our 1958 Homecoming Queen... closer... 


Girls Basketball... the girls' team... shooting over the Morehead guards... the starters huddle... the schedule... Tulloch tries a shot... Fair makes a free throw... Tulloch scraps for a rebound... rebounding... Fair lays it up... seniors Bryant-Stephens... 


Boys Basketball... the boys' team... Craig and Ferguson rebounding... Blackwell takes a shot... watching the warm-ups... Craig jumps... Ogburn stretches... Hall drives for a layup... Morehead wins the 1958 State AA Championship in Durham... Craig scraps... the Black Panthers, defending AA champs... Blackwell closely guarded... seniors Harris-Ferguson... the coaches... the schedule... the junior varsity... 


Cheerleaders... in a circle... a little closer...  with West Mecklenberg cheerleaders... at the championship game... 


Carillon Staff... Editor... Typists... Editorial staff... Business staff... Layout staff...